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Что вы терЯете на качелях, вы приобре таете на каруеСли // Потери в одной 66ласти деятельности компенсИруются приобретеннями в другой; неудачи и успехи чередуются. |
"I know," Brian said, "but I love her, you see. You think
I'm trapped just because she's having а kid? Well, what уоu lose
оа thе swings уou gain on the roundabouts." (Sillitoe)
А great тапу things in this universe are rather depressing. others, fortunately, are поt. What we lose on tЬе swings of pain, pointlessness, and evil, we gain on а variety of aestetic, sensuous, intellectual, and moral roundabouts. (Huxley) "Yes," Catherine said, "I would like а reading, please." The woman sat down and raised а hand, and the waiter came over to the taЬie bearing а cup of thick black coffee оn а small tray. Не set it down in front of Catherine. "Not for me," Catherine said. "I. .. " "Drink it," Madam Piris said. Catherine looked at her in surprise, then picked up the cup and took а sip of the coffee. lt was strong and bitter. She put down the cup. "More," the woman said. Catherine started to protest, then thought, what the heiL What thеу lose on the fortune-telling, thеу make uр on the coffee. She swallowed another mouthful. (Sheldon) |